Bisol nrog minced nqaij

Briol - tsis muaj dab tsi ntau tshaj ib tug yooj yim omelette nrog minced nqaij. Muaj ntau txoj hauv kev ua briolis. Rau classic version, ib tug ntom txheej ntawm minced nqaij yog pw tawm on ib freshly poured qe thiab poured on to top ntawm nws. Cov khoom noj yooj yim dua yuav tso tawm cov khoom noj minced ntawm cov roj hmab ua ntej ntawm ib sab. Nyob rau hauv hais tias, los yog lwm yam, lub zaub mov yuav tig tawm heev six thiab txaus siab.

Daim ntawv qhia rau minced meat

Qhov no daim ntawv qhia tsis yog qhabnias vim cov additives zoo li ketchup thiab dib, yog li koj muaj kev ruaj ntseg ua tsis tau lawv, yog tias qhov kev xav tau.

Cov khoom xyaw:


Nqaij nyuj yog nyob rau hauv ib lub nqaij grinder los yog hauv av rau hauv minced meat nrog ib tug blender. Lub minced resulting nqaij yog faib ua 6 feem, txhua ntawm cov uas yog dov mus rau hauv ib qho nyias pancake ntawm ob txheej ntawm cov zaub mov noj. Lub qe yog ntaus nrog ntsev thiab kua txob, poured rau hauv ib tug ca zaub, thiab tshaj kom zoo zoo muab ib tug txheej ntawm minced nqaij.

Nyob rau hauv ib lub lauj kaub khov, peb sov li cov zaub roj thiab muab cov phaj nyob ze rau lub lauj kaub tais diav, hloov nws cov khoom. Fry lub briol on ob sab rau 3-5 feeb.

Bisol los ntawm cov nqaij nyug av tseem tuaj yeem tau txais kev pab rau lub rooj, tsuas yog tais ib nrab thiab nphoo nrog tshuaj ntsuab, los yog koj tuaj yeem ntxiv cov tshuaj tsw qab nrog daim filling. Qhov npoo ntawm qhov tshau, uas yog tsis them nrog lub qe, yog greased nrog ib tug sauce los ntawm ib tug sib tov ntawm mayonnaise, mustard thiab ketchup, peb muab lub straw ntawm pickled dib on to top thiab ntxiv omelet nyob rau hauv ib nrab.

Yuav ua li cas ua noj ib tug tubnkeeg brew ntawm minced nqaij?

Cov khoom xyaw:


Nyob rau hauv ib lub tais, tuav qe nrog ntsev, kua txob thiab soy sauce. Ntxiv minced meat mus rau lub qe thiab sib tov txhua yam rau homogeneity. Yog hais tias qhov sib tov yog ntom - ncuav me ntsis dej, tab sis tsis txhob overdo nws, pub kom lub briol yuav dissolve thaum frying.

Nyob rau hauv ib lub lauj kaub khov, tshav kub me me roj thiab fry lub briol ntawm ob sab kom kub xim av (3-4 feeb).

Bisol los ntawm mince nyob rau hauv qhov cub

Cov khoom xyaw:


Qe qe los nrog mis nyuj los yog dej, zoo li ntsev, kua txob thiab cov tshuaj qhuav. Los ntawm resulting sib tov, npaj 6 pancakes, alternately frying los ntawm ob sab hauv zaub roj.

Mus rau nqaij qaib forcemeat, ntxiv ob peb dia dej kom nws me ntsis ntxiv kua. Smear lub mince tshaj lub saum npoo ntawm pancake, kis lub mayonnaise on to top thiab sprinkle grated nyuaj cheese. Quav pancakes qaws, muab tso rau hauv ib daim ntawv ci thiab ci ntawm 180 degrees rau 5-7 feeb.

Yuav ua li cas ua kom nqaij qaib nyom av?

Cov khoom xyaw:


Nyob rau hauv ib lub lauj kaub diav sov li cov zaub roj thiab Fry on nws finely tws dos thiab qej. Thaum cov dos yog qhov tseeb, ntxiv cov nqaij qaib mincemeat rau lub laujkaub thiab tos kom txog thaum nws seizes. Tam sim no dej lub nqaij qaib nrog ib tug sib tov ntawm sauces thiab sesame roj.

Hauv lwm lub lauj kaub tais diav, tseem sov cov zaub roj thiab ncuav lub qe, ntaus nrog ntsev thiab kua txob, mus rau saum npoo. Thaum lub qhov ntawm omelet tsis muaj lub sij hawm mus lob, xaub lub stuffing thiab dov lub omelet nrog ib lub hnab ntawv. Thaum lub omelette tau nrhiav ib tug Golden tinge - koj muaj peev xwm tshem tawm nws los ntawm ib lub lauj kaub frying thiab pab nws mus rau ib lub rooj, sprinkled nrog ntsuab dos.