Kev ntshai ntawm clowns - yog vim li cas qee leej neeg ntshai clowns?

Txhua tus neeg muaj ib co kev ntshai, tsuas yog ib qho prefers nkaum lawv, thiab lwm tus qhia ua qhov teeb meem. Hauv cov tshuaj, muaj ntau ntau phobias, tab sis kuj tseem muaj kev xav tau ntau yam, piv txwv li kev ntshai ntawm kev sib daj sib deev.

Tus phaw nyuj yog dab tsi?

Crowphobia yog lub sijhawm tshwj xeeb uas qhia txog qhov teeb meem ntawm kev ntshai ntawm clowns, ob qho tib si ntawm cov menyuam yaus thiab cov laus. Xws li ib lub ntsiab lus tau tshwm sim tsis ntev los no, tab sis qhov teeb meem tsis tau muaj rau ib xyoo caum. Nws yog qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws hais tias qee cov kws kho mob tsis xav txog tus kab mob phobia, thaum lwm tus pom tias nws yog ib qho kev mob ntsws loj thiab tsim kev kho mob. Yuav kom nkag siab qhov teeb meem ntawm qhov teeb meem nyob hauv ntau yam, koj yuav tsum to taub cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb.

Vim li cas qee cov neeg ntshai ntshai?

Muaj ntau tus kws kho mob hauv thaj chaw ntawm kev puas siab puas ntsws rau lo lus nug txog yog vim li cas tib neeg ntshai ntshai clowns, teb tias qhov no yog tshwm sim los ntawm kev ua hauj lwm ntawm ib co sau ntawv. Tom qab saib cov yeeb yaj kiab txog kev ua phem rau cov neeg phem, feem ntau pom "tig rau" lub tswv yim thiab lub hero nrog lub taub ntswg loj ua rau nti los yog lwm yam sib npaug ntawm kev tua neeg.

Yog xav paub ntxiv vim li cas, vim li cas ntshai tsam kev ntxhov siab, kws txawj ntse:

  1. Lub ntsej muag tseeb yog muab zais los ntawm ib txheej tawv pleev los yog ib daim npog qhov ncauj thiab nws tsis tuaj yeem txiav txim siab qhov tseeb ntawm ib tug neeg, thiab luag rau lub ntsej muag yog feem ntau fake.
  2. Kev ntshai ntawm cov neeg tawg rog ua rau ntau tus neeg vim tias lawv cov cwj pwm nyiam nyiam (feem ntau yog siv cov kev taw ntsej muag, kev piav tes taw thiab kev luag luag), thiab tus cwj pwm no feem ntau hais txog kev mob hlwb.
  3. Tsis yog txhua tus neeg npaj txhij rau luag rau lawv tus kheej, thiab cov clowns ua li no (caw mus koom lawv cov kev ua si, cov neeg nyob ib ncig ntawm txhua tus tuaj koom rau kev qhia, uas tuaj yeem ua rau tsis xis nyob thiab ib tus neeg ntshai).

Vim li cas cov me nyuam ntshai clowns?

Xws li ib phobia, zoo li ntshai ntawm clowns, feem ntau pom muaj nyob rau hauv cov me nyuam. Qhov laj thawj txawv ntawm tus neeg laus ntshai, tab sis lawv yuav tsum raug tshwj xeeb mloog. Cov menyuam tsis saib "cov yeeb yaj kiab ntshai heev" thiab lawv lub tswv yim yuav tsis tsim kom tsim nyog, txawm li ntawd los, qhov kev ntshai ntawm kev sib daj sib deev yog qhov tseem ceeb hauv lawv. Feem ntau cov me nyuam yaus ntshai tsam txhua yam tshiab thiab tsis txawv, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tias cov yeeb yam no tau ua ke hauv tus neeg tsis paub uas nrov nrov lossis hais lus, tsis meej thiab tsoo. Tus me nyuam nco qab ib daim duab txaus ntshai thiab tuaj yeem ua li cas rau cov duab nrog hnav.

Vim li cas Ameskas ntshai ntawm kev ntxhov siab?

Qhov kis ntawm phobia "contributed" rau cov xov xwm. Nyob rau hauv cia li ob peb xyoos, ntau heev ntshai ua yeeb yaj kiab nrog kev phem cwj pwm zoo nkaus li hauv lub cam khwb cia. Tsis tas li ntawd xwb, cov ntawv xov xwm, cov dab neeg ntawm cov neeg ua txhaum, cov neeg tuaj yeem thiab cov neeg ua haujlwm feem ntau tuaj yeem ua rau lub ntsej muag ntawm cov phooj ywg zoo siab. Kev ntshai ntawm clowns los ntawm sab hnub poob kis, thiab nyob rau hauv peb strip nws tshwm ntau tom qab, raws li "lub zos" clowns hnav khaub ncaws nyob rau hauv funny costumes thiab muab tso rau ib tug ntxim hlub ua-tu.

Yuav ua li cas kom tsis txhob ntshai ntawm clowns?

Crowphobia ntshai ntawm clowns, zoo li tus so phobias, yuav tsum tau ua raws sij hawm. Ib tug neeg yuav xav hais tias tshem tawm qhov teeb meem yog yooj yim - koj yuav tsum tsis txhob mus rau circus thiab saib cov kev pab cuam hauv TV. Ua ntej txiav txim siab, koj yuav tsum to taub tias koj tuaj yeem ntsib nrog lawv hauv lub neej tiag tiag. Ntawm txoj kev ntawm lub nroog nrog lawv cov kev koom tes, ntau yam kev nthuav qhia, kev txhawb nqa lossis cov txheej xwm festive muaj ntau zaus. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb kom to taub tias phobia ntawm kev ntseeg siab tshaj plaws yuav tsum raug kho rau cov neeg ntawm txhua tus neeg.

Ib txoj hauv kev uas tshem tawm qhov teeb meem, tus kws kho mob hu rau tus kheej acquaintance nrog lub clown. Ib qho kev paub tshiab yuav raug nug kom thov los yog ntxuav tawm ua kom tiav nrog "cov neeg mob". Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb kom to taub hais tias ib tug clown yog ib lub cim uas nws lub luag hauj lwm yog ua si los ntawm ib tug neeg zoo tib yam. Koj tuaj yeem sim thiab hnav koj tus kheej los yog hnav ib tug me nyuam rau hauv ib qho chaw zoo nkauj thiab ua rau koj tsev neeg luag. Tom qab ntawd, koj yuav tsum tau ntxiv cov kev xav zoo thiab pom ib daim duab zoo siab thiab ib qho kev lom zem txog cov funny circus artists. Tom qab "cov txheej txheem", kolrofobiya yuav rov qab los, thiab lub neej yuav ua si nrog cov xim tshiab.