St. James

Cape St. James, uas nyob sab hnub poob ntawm Barbados - nws txoj kev ncig mus ncig xyuas lub caij so , so kev ua si , thiab kev ua si ntau yam. Thiab yog tias koj nrhiav tau ib qho chaw zoo rau kev tshawb hauv qab ntuj hauv ntiaj teb no thiab rau snorkelling, ces qhov kev pabcuam no yog qhov koj xav tau.

Cov lus qhia dav dav

Cape St. James nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov kob. Lub nroog loj hauv nroog yog Holtown . Los ntawm txoj kev, lub xeem yog lub nroog me tshaj plaws hauv Barbados .

Nws yuav tsis yog qhov txawv txav kom pom tias cheeb tsam ntawm lub taub hau yog txog 30 square km. m, thiab nws tau tsim nyob rau hauv lub deb 1625 los ntawm British, uas thawj tuaj txog rau hauv Barbados. Yog vim li cas St. James? Nws hloov tawm tias lub cape raug teev nyob rau hauv kev hwm ntawm British King, uas nws fleet nkag mus rau lub chaw nres nkoj nyob rau hauv lub aforementioned xyoo. Los ntawm txoj kev, tom qab qee lub sij hawm nws tau hloov npe rau "Me Me Nkaub Liab", tab sis tom qab lub sij hawm luv, tus qub "St. James" tau rov qab los.

Yuav ua li cas pom?

Tsis tas li ntawd, cov ponneshites ntawm lub puam, nco ntsoov mus ncig xyuas "Nyob ntawm txoj kab ke ntawm thawj Englishmen ntawm St. James." Muaj koj yuav pom cov vaj tse qub nyob rau hauv British style. Qhov no yog lub khw noj mov, cov khw, thiab lub koom txoos, uas yog qhov tseem ceeb hais txog. Raws li rau cov sights, nws tsis yog qhov chaw los hais cov uas dhaus Cape muaj koob npe rau feem ntau:

  1. James lub tsev teev ntuj yog ib qho piv txwv ntawm cov txwm British cov qauv vaj tsev qauv.
  2. Maritime Museum, nyob rau hauv Folkestone Park, yuav qhia txog cov neeg nyob hauv lub depths ntawm hiav txwv.
  3. Qab Zib Hoobkas Khoom Noj Qab Zib - Ntawm no koj yuav tau qhia rau hauv kev nthuav dav thiab ua li cas cov Barbados tsim qab zib.
  4. Npaj Siab Royal College of Barbados yog lub tuam tsev zoo tshaj plaws hauv Caribbean Islands, nrhiav tau nyob rau hauv xyoo pua thaum xyoo 19th los ntawm tus tswv tsev cog qoob loo los ntawm Henry Drake.

Lom ze thiab kav khw hauv St. James

Kev ua si nyob hauv cheeb tsam no feem ntau hu ua ib qho tseem ceeb tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv Caribbean dej. Nws yog St. James uas nyiam los ntawm ntau tus neeg Hollywood thiab cov neeg muaj suab muaj npe. Nws yog nthuav hais tias lub zos hu lub cape "ib lub txhab nyiaj nrog kub." Zoo nkauj, tsis yog nws? Thiab nws tsis yog cov xuab zeb, nws cov xim xim ntawm qhov kim hlau no, tab sis nyob rau ntawm ntug dej, feem ntau yog ua nrog cov delightful villas, lub tsev nyob, thiab tsib lub hnub qub chaw ntiav pw.

Los ntawm txoj kev, qhov no yog qhov chaw ua si tiag tiag. Ntawm no koj tuaj yeem tsis tsuas yog ua si xwb, tab sis kuj kawm qhov kev ua si, uas, ntawm txoj kev, hauv Barbados yog suav tias yog teb chaws. Yuav ua li cas txhua tus neeg nyiam, leej twg nyiam txaws hauv dej, yog li qhov no yog surfing . Koj tuaj yeem hu koj tus kheej ib tug tswv ntawm kev lag luam no? Tsis txhob txhawj xeeb: hauv St. James muaj ntau lub tsev kawm ntawv uas txhua tus neeg xav tau los ntawm tus thawj coj tuaj yeem tig mus ua ib tus kws tshaj lij.

Raws li kev mus khw, muaj ob lub lag luam loj hauv St. James, qhov twg koj tuaj yeem yuav txhua yam uas koj nyiam: Chattel Lub Zos thiab West Coast Mall. Yog hais tias koj nyiam tsawg, ces txais tos rau lub khw antique Greenwich House Antiques. Thiab Paynes Bay - qhov no yog lub khw muag khoom noj, uas muag cov neeg sawv cev ntawm cov neeg ntiaj teb.

Nyob qhov twg?

Yog li, feem ntau nyiam cov tourists yog cov nram qab no cov chaw ntiav pw:

  1. Beach View Hotel - lub tsev so overlooking Bay of Paines. Qhov chaw no tsis tuaj yeem hu ua pob nyiaj siv. Yog li, rau ib hmo nws yog ib qhov tsim nyog los muab txog $ 200.
  2. Lantana Resort Barbados yog ib lub tsev nyiaj so koobtsheej nyob ib ncig ntawm 100 meters ntawm lub zos plaj. Tus nqi rau chav tsev yog $ 160.
  3. LeMarida Suites yog 500 meters los ntawm Haywoods Beach . Tus nqi ntawm chav tsev yog $ 80.
  4. Morris Apartments - ib qho chaw zoo rau cov neeg uas nyiam ib qho zoo nkauj thiab tib lub sijhawm pheej yig mus so. Tus nqi rau chav tsev tsis tshaj $ 40.

Noj qhov twg?

Nyob rau hauv St. James koj yuav tsis tsuas nrhiav tau cov kev pab rau kev ua si, tab sis, kuj ntxhias tshiab koj tus kheej nyob rau hauv cov chaw tuav thiab chaw noj mov:

  1. Bliss Cafe. Nws yog tsim nyog tuaj ntawm no thiab sim ua noj tshais waffles, uas yog npaj raws li ib daim ntawv qhia tshwj xeeb.
  2. Champers. Qhov no yog ib lub tsev noj mov uas txhua tus qhua yuav tsum tsis txaus siab rau nrog cov tais diav uas niaj hnub siv, tiam sis kuj yog ib qho kev pom ntawm thaj av me.
  3. Nishi Tsev Noj Mov. Koj puas nyiam Japanese cuisine? Tom qab ntawd koj tuaj ntawm no.
  4. Cuz's Fish Shack. Qhov no yog qhov chaw zoo rau cov neeg uas xav saj cov tais diav ntawm Barbados cuisine ntawm tus nqi qis.

Yuav ua li cas tau muaj?

Lub kaus mom yog 30 km ntawm Bridgetown thiab tuaj yeem tsheb tavxij lossis tuaj yeem thauj lwm tus neeg, tshem txoj kev Hwyy 24 ntawm sab qaum teb.